Submit Product Review

Do you use natural products and like sharing your opinions?
Want to tell us about it and earn some extra cash? is currently accepting well written natural product reviews for payment! You can get $5 cash sent straight to your Paypal account just for sharing what you like (and don’t like) about natural products.

A few product suggestions:

  • Organic/ natural skin care, makeup, and personal care
  • Natural baby supplies and gear
  • Green cleaning products and furnishings
  • Parenting, nutrition and health books
  • Homeschool curriculum and tools

Submit your review by email to carrie at naturalmomstalkradio dot com. Type it in the body of the email, not in an attachment. Reviews must be unique and require a minimum of 200 words. (Please read Terms of Service below.)Ematoma

Thank you!

Hear From Our Reviewers:

“I wrote a quick product review for Carrie when a friend told me she pays $5.00 for each review she accepts. She accepted my submission and paid me within two days. I will be happy to submit more product reviews. Thanks, Carrie”

Fernanda Powers

“I wrote a review for one of my favorite products and received a $5 payment to my PayPal account!! Thanks Carrie!!!”


Terms of Service

Submitting your product review does not guarantee acceptance. Due to the number of submissions, we may be unable to accept each review for publication and payment, but each review will be reviewed.

If we use your product review, we will send a payment of $5 to the PayPal account you specify in the form above. Payment will be sent within 1 month of submission. We are not responsible for any errors including an incorrect PayPal email.

We reserve the right to publish reviews in various online marketing materials. Your submission implies that you agree that we may publish your product review in all promotional materials now existing or that will be developed in the future by the Natural Moms Talk Radio network of publishers, including those who might pay a fee to use it.

We reserve the right to edit your review for length, grammar and other editorial reasons. This includes the removal of any website links (including affiliate links) to the product.

By submitting a product review, you give us permission to email you with additional natural product offers. You are under no obligation to continue to receive emails from us and an unsubscribe link is provided at the bottom of each email.

We reserve the right to make future changes to these policies and encourage you to review the privacy policy periodically. By continued use of this website, you agree to accept these terms and any changes.

photo credit: Marco Gomes

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